Thursday, April 21, 2011

Assessing Meaningful Learning With Technology & Inspiration/Kidspiration

     The use of rubrics in my present day college career has dramatically increased since I first went to college back in 1988.  I personally like the rubric because it gives me something concrete to follow so that I can be sure that my assignment is done accurately according to the professor’s requirements.  A usable teaching method is to provide a rubric for student use for both formative and summative assessment purposes.  The rubric also allows the teacher an opportunity to evaluate the student's understanding of a topic by levels of performance on based on certain criteria.  I would definitely use rubrics in my classroom because this will not allow room for misunderstanding on what is specifically expected from the student on an assignment.

     Qwizdom uses advanced radio frequency technology for its clickers, which integrates with Qwizdom curriculum software so that students may take computer based assessments.  This form of student response systems not only inspires but also motivates the students as they are assessed.  It provides immediate right/wrong feedback to the student and allows them to ask for help discreetly.  One supplemental software curriculum offered is ReadySet.  This program not only assesses student progress towards mastery of specific state standards but it actually takes the time to teach the concepts.  We are a few short days away from the TAKS and would have loved to have had access to this hardware and software.  I read over a few case studies in which Texas teachers wrote on the positive impact it had on its Title 1 campus.  Maybe one day, our campus will be so fortunate to have access to it. 

     Kidspiration has been created for K – 5 learners and is known to develop strong thinking skills, strengthen reading and writing skills, and build a conceptual understanding in math.  Kidspiration's Picture View can build graphic organizers including concept maps, webs, bubble diagrams and Venn diagrams.  In math students can use manipulatives such as color tiles, pattern blocks, base ten blocks, fraction tiles and fraction boxes to build essential math skills.  I work with 3rd grade bilingual and Kidspiration’s emphasis on developing and using independent strategies such as pictorial representation of thoughts and concepts, and sight vocabulary lists aids ELL students in building vocabulary and English comprehension.  .  This software is wonderful for visual learners and is capable of engaging the students. 


Audience Response Systems | Electronic Voting | Interactive Learning | Qwizdom. Web. 21 Apr. 2011. <>.

"Kidspiration - The Visual Way to Explore and Understand Words, Numbers and Concepts |" Inspiration Software, Inc. - The Leader in Visual Thinking and Learning | Web. 21 Apr. 2011. <>.

Rubric, Rubrics, What Is a Rubric?,Sample Rubrics, Holistic Rubrics, Free, Downloadable, Rubric Links, Rubrician,Templates, - Rubrician.Com. Web. 21 Apr. 2011.


  1. It was very interesting how using Kidspiration to teach bilinguel instruction. I never thought about building vocabulary through using the picturial concepts and visual aid of Kindspiration. It would be such a great way for students to understand their new vocabulary words taking it step by step.

    Quizdom would be wonderful for all classrooms. Students work well when the get instant correct/incorrect answers. It would help them correct or review what they may have missed and better understand the assignment when knowing right away if something was wrong.

  2. Kispiration tools would be great for teaching vocabulary to both FLL and ELL students. Visual connections are incredibly important when learning new vocabulary.

  3. I like how you relate the use of Rubrics to how it is helping you in your current college classes. I think if you take this knowledge of how they have assisted you in your schoolwork, then you should be able to help others by using them in your classroom setting.
