Thursday, March 24, 2011


     As I watched the video on podcasting I found that this type of technology gives us a way to capture shows now so that we can watch later.  This makes it on demand according to our schedule.  There are three reasons that podcasting is becoming popular:

  1. Anyone can do it.  No satellites, radio towers, or studios needed all that is needed is a computer, connection to the web, a microphone and/or video camera needed.  There is a wide variety of podcasts. 
  2. Subscriptions – clicking a button and subscribe to receive future shows using a podcaster like iTunes and
  3. Gadgetry – downloading podcasts to portable device and taking it with you.  It works on mp3’s, iPods, and other devices (Ranchofrijol 2008).
One use in the classroom is for students to create their own podcasts containing original material thus deepening their understanding of existing material.   It also supports curriculum integration as it can be used instead of text-based information.  Students of today are familiar and comfortable with iPods, mp3’s, and other portable devices making podcasts easy to implement. 

     Podcasting is completely different from wikis’ and social bookmarking in concept and use.  Unlike wikis’ and social bookmarking, podcasting enables one to create online radio programs.  It enables one to be their own independent producer and distributor that can be offered worldwide via the web (Jonassen, Howland, Marr, Crismond 2008).  Voice threads are similar in that it uses a microphone to record or an audio file and can also be imported onto an mp3 player. 
     I presently do not own an iPod but my seven year old got an mp3 player for Christmas which I downloaded music onto.  I love connecting it to our van stereo enabling us to listen to our music rather than at the mercy of the radio stations and its numerous commercials.  I personally would use it in my classroom.  Our school uses it as an extension of its classroom allowing the 5th grade students to check one out enabling them to complete an assignment or homework.  The advantages of online communication tools are primarily the speed of connection.  One is able to connect to classrooms across the ocean in a matter of seconds, they are able to glean new information, and are able to learn from others all over the world.  I see myself integrating podcasting into my classroom but of course, I must first enroll in professional training so that I implement this accurately and effectively. 
Jonassen, Howland, Marra, Crismond (2008), Meaningful Learning with Technology, Columbus, OH:             
     Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.

Ranchofrijol (Nov. 12, 2008).  Podcasting - Plain English


  1. Jinny,
    I thought you had a great idea to use your MP3 player in the car so that you can eliminate commercials and get the choice of what you are listening to. I also need to get some training on how to properly and appropriately integrate both the MP3 players and iPods into the classroom. I cannot wait to learn more and can see how important it is that we use the tools that our students are familiar with and desire to use in the our classrooms.

  2. I like your idea on using this type of content area in your car. However, I am not a big fan of this technology since it is still new out and has more information that needs to be presented before I will use it in a classroom setting.
