Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Copy right and Fair Use Policy

     One must respect copyrights and fair use rules in order to keep legal action from being taken against you.  Copyrights were created in order to protect the owner of the copyright from his work being reproduced without permission.  It also protects the way an author expresses themselves.   Section 107 of copyrights covers “fair use”.  Through this there are four factors used to determine whether reproduction of a particular work used for various purposes is or is not fair (U.S. Copyright Office).  It is important to protect one legally.  Why would we risk “stealing” someone else’s work and legal action taken against us?  There is no assignment worth the legal ramifications for infringing on someone’s copyright.   The video clip, Taking the Mystery of Copyright, was both educational and entertaining (  What a neat way to introduce copyright information to my students.  I would like to make a permanent chart of the “cheat” sheet given to us by you, Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines for Teachers (TechLearning).  This is a handy reference as my students work on their assignments to double check in case any copyright questions may arise.  The cyber bee is another interactive website my students will have access to (Super Cyberbee 2011). 
     Online safety is teaching students to never reveal personal information with anyone online.  They are to use their cyber names and not reveal themselves to anyone.  Online bullying refers to bullying online.  There are many forms:  cell phone, MySpace, YouTube, and more.  This type of bullying entails threatening text, negative posting on blogs under someone else’s name, or getting Fraped (Bullying UK 2011).  Do not give out any personal information, password protect your accounts, and tell your parents if you feel threatened in any way. 
     Learning about copyrights and fair use was enlightening.  I guess as an educator many of us make the mistake in assuming that if we were using a resource for educational purposes then it was no big deal.  As I think back to the numerous times I have made copies of printed material not thinking twice about copyrights I cringe.  Well, that will no longer be the case!  I appreciate this week’s lecture and assignment thoroughly. 
Adventures of Cyber bee (February 3, 2011), retrieved February 15, 2011

Bullying UK (2011), retrieved February 15, 2011

“Cheat Sheet” for copyright and fair use, retrieved February 15, 2011

Taking the Mystery out of Copyright, retrieved February 15, 2011

U.S. Copyright Office, retrieved February 15, 2011


  1. I would like to share with you an experience I had earlier this week at work. I had a parent contact me since they will be assigned to Fort Bliss from another installation. One of their sons took his life last year due to bullying. At first I thought fighting and taunting but that was not the worst part, it was the mindgames, humiliation and cyberbullying that distroyed this young mans life. As a future teacher, I will keep what happened to this young man forever in my mind in hopes to educate my students and stay aware of what may be happening to them online.

  2. I am sorry to hear that Karen. I am a former military person and know how much time away from your kids it takes when you are gone. So the bullying needs to be stopped by parents and teachers alike. I myself am looking forward to being a teacher and making sure if I spot anything to report it to the proper people to take care of it.

  3. Cyber bullying is so common and causes so many problems with children. I think when students are not getting along the emotional things they say or do to each other is worse than anything physical that they do to each other.

    Karen that is such a sad story thank you for sharing. It is a story that happens too often now a days, it is easy for children to be mean when they are not face to face. We as teachers need to be aware of what is going on with our students so we can help prevent some of this cyber bullying.

  4. I agree with Carolyn. The internet can make it easier for student to be mean and vicious to each other without regard of the consequences. I know that sometimes I personally, find it easier to send someone an email than to confront them in person. Cyber bulling make only makes it easier to say words that should never be voiced. Added to that is your teenage years that is an extremely turbulent time in your life that any bulling can lead some individuals to suicide instead of seeking help. As future teachers, we need to be aware of cyber bulling and make an effort to connect with our students and let them know that we can and will do our very best to help them in any situation... not just with math or english.

  5. Jinny,
    I too cringe now after reading and learning so much more about fair use and copyright laws. It is very imporant that we respect them, if we expect our students to do the same. I also liked the chart that we can post in our classrooms as a constant reminder to the students and teachers of what is and is not protected under the law.
